Saturday, December 12, 2009

Send a message to a soldier!

Xerox is offering again this year to send a holiday postcard in your name to a soldier serving overseas. The cards are wonderful and the program is simple.
These postcards are created by children around the U.S. You pick a design you like and then you pick a message to be printed on the other side.
Enter your name and where you're from and your card is created for you.
You can send as many cards as you like. All they ask is you pick a different design each time so the troops receive a variety.
The card above is the design I chose. I loved the collage idea this 9-year-old girl from Washington, D.C., used for her drawing.
Check it out!

1 comment:

Maryannwrites said...

Thanks for posting this, LuAnn. I will definitely take some time to send a few cards.