Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Now What? 90 Days to a New Life Direction

From the back of the book:

“In ‘Now What?’ pioneering life coach Laura Berman Fortgang shares the process that she has used so successfully with hundreds of clients to help them make major changes in their lives. Whether it’s moving on from a dead-end job, discovering an entirely new creative outlet, or answering the age-old question ‘What am I meant to do with my life?’ this book provides a clear and infinitely practical ninety-day program to discover a new direction for your life.”

When I first picked up this book, I wondered what was in it for me. After all, I wasn’t planning any major changes in my life. But I had agreed some time ago to review this book for FSB Associates and it somehow got buried in the bottom of the pile. I unearthed it a few days ago and thought I should get busy reading it.

Even if you aren’t looking for a new direction in your life, you will find something in this book you can use. I honestly guarantee it.

Although designed to be followed step-by-step, you can pick out sections that may more apply to what you want to use, such as overcoming stubbornness or getting the upper hand on your budget. There’s also a section on updating your resume. That may not seem important, but it really is something everyone should do regularly. Not only does it keep the resume fresh, it also is a good way to see where you’ve come since you started your last job. It might make you realize it’s time for a major change and well, the book is in your hand to do just that!


Suko said...
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Suko said...

90 Days sounds like a helpful book, LuAnn. Great review!