Monday, March 15, 2010

I've Been Tagged and You're Next!

Susan at Suko's Notebook tagged me with this meme and now, I have to share things I like and dislike. They can be anything, but I chose to share my thoughts on books ... similar to what Susan did after Lisa at Books on the Brain tagged her!

I like that thrill of opening a new book, the special feel of the crisp pages.

I like getting new books in the mail.

I like adding new books to my shelves, whether they are brand new or used.

I like browsing the shelves at book stores, especially used books with that special musty smell they have.

I like discovering a long, lost book buried somewhere in a secondhand store.

I like curling up against my pillow at night and reading myself to sleep.

I dislike finishing a book I’m really enjoying.

I dislike not knowing which book I should read next.

I dislike forgetting to take my book with me and finding myself with nothing to do.

I dislike books with poor editing, such as misspelled words and severe punctuation mistakes.

Now, I have to pass this on to some of my other blogging friends. So, Katy at A Few More Pages, Nely at All About {n}, Maryann at It's Not All Gravy and Lori at Lori's Reading Corner ... YOU'RE IT!!!


Nely said...

haha - these are great. I shall have mine up later this afternoon. We have many of the same likes and dislikes :D


Suko said...

LuAnn, you did a great job! I enjoyed reading your succinct post. We share many of the same book-related likes and dislikes.