Friday, March 26, 2010

Short story review: Almost Home

By Mary Eason

Kellie is returning home to Texas, but not by choice. Having lost her job in Denver, she has nowhere else to go … except to the house her grandmother left her. No one has lived in it for a long time, so she has no idea what she will find.

As she drives through sleet and black ice, hoping she will make it in one piece, she remembers the reasons why she left to begin with. Those reasons included the realization that her marriage had been a fraud.

Now, out of sheer desperation, she drives to her grandmother’s house, spins on the slippery bridge and plunges into the creek.

You'll have to read the rest of the story to find out what happens. And -- how fun -- you can get your own copy free on Mary Eason's Web site. Just follow this link, look around, read the story and enjoy the fun you'll find there.

1 comment:

Suko said...

LuAnn, I will read this story soon. Thanks for the link.

I posted my first short story review for this challenge. :)

Happy Friday!