Monday, June 29, 2009

Uh-oh, Cleo by Jessica Harper

From the book jacket:

People call us the “not-so-Small” family because our last name is Small and we have about a million kids. Well, six. And when your family’s big, crazy stuff happens all the time, like what happened to me on Stitches Saturday …

I’ve had this book on my desk to read for quite some time. With my granddaughter’s birthday Sunday, I thought I’d give it a quick look so I can give it to her.

Well, I was truly surprised. In fact, I ended up reading it word for word!

Poor little Cleo gets a cut on her head and needs to be taken for stitches. It was an accident, but she’s worried her brother might get into trouble. After all, he’s the one who was climbing the bookshelf when it fell over.

This book is so appropriate for my granddaughter. She’s kind of klutzy and has gone to the emergency room a couple times for stitches.

Jessica Harper is a wonderful author and now, I find out she can also write great children’s stories.

I’m so glad I read “Uh-oh, Cleo” because I truly enjoyed it! Now, I will get to pass this great book on to my granddaughter. By the way, it will be her first book signed by the author and I’m so glad that author is Jessica.


~Sia McKye~ said...

LuAnn, I always loved these sort of books to read to Jake when he was little (he's 14 now) because they do handle things kids get into or have problems with. I love the title of this one. I have no little kids at thome, but I do have a klutzy grandniece, my little celtic sprite and I think she'd love it!

Thanks for the heads up. Have a great week!

LuAnn said...

Thanks, Sia.
I'm anxious to hear what my granddaughter thinks of the book! I got a very nice message from Jessica Harper thanking me for the review. She's such a sweetie and a great author!

Anonymous said...

Sounds so cute. I hope your granddaughter likes it. My daughter loves the couple of books she has that are signed.

Yvette Kelly said...

Hey LuAnn,I have an award for you over at my blog!