Saturday, October 16, 2010

Joshua and Aaron: ITP Book Two

By David Gelber

From the back of the book:

“Joshua Smith faces the ultimate challenge as he stares down Death in the thrilling sequel to Future Hope. Follow Joshua as he faces a cosmic challenge that calls on him to use every ounce of his remarkable ingenuity, intelligence and insight to save mankind from its own excesses.”

I reviewed Future Hope last March and gave it a four-book rating because I truly did enjoy it. As a result, David Gelber asked if I would like to read the second book in the series and I couldn’t pass up the offer.

What I enjoy most about David’s books is his awesome imagination. In Future Hope, he takes us to Heaven and to Eden. Joshua and Aaron brings the reader to the depths of Hell as the main character faces the demons who threaten to take over the world.

Throughout the story, Joshua and Aaron are mortal enemies. Aaron is a big wig businessman who is just a tad bit crooked. His one dream is to bring down Joshua and he’s given orders to his hit man to kill Joshua on sight. Joshua takes on another identity to avoid his protagonist and sets out to turn the tables on Aaron.

But, as in real life, other events happen at the same time, which Joshua must become involved in. Soon, his main focus becomes finding the man who developed the means to create a society of brainless humans who follow the orders of the powers that be and have no independent thinking. The inventor is presumed dead, but another has found the computer chip and is determined to create a world without war or evil.

This is a fascinating book and I enjoyed reading it. In fact, I’m quite anxious to see where David takes the next book in the series and I hope he invites me to read that one as well.

The series is pure fantasy and set in the future, but don’t let that discourage you if this isn’t your usual genre of choice. The storyline is so intriguing in this series, I just know you’ll enjoy reading David’s books.

1 comment:

David Gelber MD said...

Thank you for taking the time to read my books. I've barely started the third installment. Currently, I'm working on a book about surgery, my day job which I hope will be out in 6-8 months.

David Gelber, MD