Thursday, August 14, 2008

Silver Bells

I thought it would be fun to read a Christmas story in the middle of summer. We’ve been having temperatures in the high 90s for weeks, so snow sounds good to many people here right now. I picked this one by Luanne Rice because she is the type of writer who takes you right into the story.
Each December, Christopher takes a load of Christmas trees from his farm in Nova Scotia to a particular spot in Manhattan to sell. Often, he will bring his children along.
One year, the oldest son decides he prefers life in the big U.S. city of New York and runs away from his father and sister. He has no desire to return to the farm and the hard labor involved in raising the trees.
Christopher continues to return each year to sell his trees and makes it a point to try to find his son. Unbeknownst to him, a woman he often talks to is in constant contact with Danny and helps him by providing food, shelter, etc. You see, Danny became a street kid. His life on the farm did nothing to prepare him for the big city.
Catherine witnessed the running of Danny and how Christopher tried to stop him. She misunderstood the situation and saw it as an abusive relationship between the two. However, that was nowhere near the true facts. Actually, Christopher, who is a single parent, loves his children deeply and would do nothing to ever harm them. At the time, he was distraught because Danny had just announced he wasn’t ever going to return home to his family and tempers flared. The police showed up and arrested Christopher. Once the circumstances were explained, they let him go and the officer made it his mission to try to help find Danny.
As Catherine and Christopher visit on the street corner, she begins to find the man more and more fascinating. Eventually, a love affair develops between them. All is well, until he finds out she has kept the whereabouts of Danny from him.
This is a fun story and makes the reader think about such things as loyalty, trust and promises. Don’t wait until the holidays to read this book. It can be read any time of year and may provide some relief from hot summer days for you, as well.

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